Cadet Mission

Through education and training, we will provide our cadets with inside knowledge of law enforcement and its functions in the community.

The Cadet Program seeks to establish an awareness of the complexities of police service and provide young adults an opportunity to witness and experience the kind of commitment and passion is needed to be a police officer.

The Law Enforcement Cadet Program will provide the Cadet with a basic knowledge of the field of law enforcement. Cadets will receive instruction in many aspects relating to law enforcement including criminal law, traffic law, criminal investigation, crime prevention, traffic control and direction, accident investigation, juvenile delinquency, and other related fields.

What we offer

Leadership Development

Through their experience, cadets learn and practice leadership skills similar to police personnel, including a rank structure. Cadets in leadership positions learn the realities of being responsible for all of their subordinate’s achievements and short falls. Cobb County’s post requires that the cadet supervisors must hold themselves to the highest standards and establish a strong leadership base through leadership skills including: Motivating peers, delegating assignments, and taking disciplinary action.

Community and Citizenship

Cadets contribute many hours of their personal lives during their participation in the Cadet Program. When they leave, they can reflect back and take pride in the fact that they have made a significant contribution to the welfare of their community.

Service within the Community

Frequently community organizations call upon Cadets to assist with security, crowd control, traffic direction, youth education, and crime prevention programs. Community service is strongly encouraged. Cadets are not used in situations that put them in jeopardy or that require police authority. However, they are used to assist the community under the close direction and supervision of police officers.

Supplemental Manpower

Cadets are not sworn officers and can not replace law enforcement personnel; however, they can be used to supplement them. Cadets can free up officers to concentrate on the most important aspects of their jobs. Qualified members of the Cobb County Cadet Post can participate in the Ride-Along Program, a privilege that allows for real-world experience of law enforcement on the street.


Contact the numbers listed bellow for more information about the post.

Officer Andy Higgins, Cadet Director
- (770) 528-8388

Detective, Oscar Escarcega, Post Mentor
- (404) 618-8556